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Dwight Van Mann 1:39 Sat Oct 1
Re: Jeremy Corbyn says let more refugees in.
typical Corbynites:


Baggins 1:25 Sat Oct 1
Re: Jeremy Corbyn says let more refugees in.
I'm sorry comma, who are they then?

Cos every single one of them I've seen or heard from looks like the absolute spitting image of a tree hugger. Perhaps the normal ones are hiding in the background?

, 12:22 Sat Oct 1
Re: Jeremy Corbyn says let more refugees in.
Anyone who thinks that Corbyn's supporters are tree huggers is woefully out of touch.

Baggins 12:08 Sat Oct 1
Re: Jeremy Corbyn says let more refugees in.
Really Reggie?

I don't think such statistics about minor seats or council elections show how great Corbyn is - I think it betrays how little confidence his tree hugging supporters actually have in him with regards to winning an election. It's pretty desperate stuff.

Reggie K 11:52 Fri Sep 30
Re: Jeremy Corbyn says let more refugees in.
Bad result for the 'unelectable' JC

Tyldesley (Blackpool) result:
LAB: 48.3% (+10.0)
CON: 26.8% (-2.4)
UKIP: 21.5% (-0.5)
LDEM: 3.3% (-2.3)

Jefferson_Steel 9:30 Thu Sep 29
Re: Jeremy Corbyn says let more refugees in.
""England is a country built on immigration""

Lol! Yeah every time we had a mass influx of people we had to kill each other on a grand scale until one side dominated. #history

Jefferson_Steel 9:28 Thu Sep 29
Re: Jeremy Corbyn says let more refugees in.
Yes, it is. What is it with some people? Its ideological and they dont care about the effect on people just the result they think they will get. The labour party at its core has always been Corbynite left and care little for the working man other than his vote. Only thing that ever changes was its image. Even under the so called "Tory Blair" social engineering continued apace.

"The NHS would "collapse" without the use of immigrant labour" Lol! The thing is that thats a non argument as with controlled immigration you still get the immigrants you NEED and the NHS would never be short

Baggins 6:59 Thu Sep 29
Re: Jeremy Corbyn says let more refugees in.
"Immigration isn't the problem we face"

Yes, it is. What is it with some people? Why can't you get your head around the fact that after ten or fifteen years of record numbers of people arriving in this country, voters have had enough snd would like to see an element of control brought back to the numbers arriving?

If the NHS would "collapse" without the use of immigrant labour then I would suggest it needs a new model in place or more investment. It shouldn't be used as an argument to excuse welcoming in yet another 650,000 people every year, forever.

We have a growing population without mass immigration. The numbers currently arriving, on top of those who have already moved here, are going to become unsustainable. It needs to be managed properly and the numbers need to be reduced.

stomper 3:21 Thu Sep 29
Re: Jeremy Corbyn says let more refugees in.
Decent, not descent obviously

stomper 2:27 Thu Sep 29
Re: Jeremy Corbyn says let more refugees in.
Dwight Van Mann 10:04 Wed Sep 28

"Stomper in immigration same as an invasion shocker"

Actually its quite interesting (and I have to admit I know more about the European migrations of the 4th to 9th centuries than the activities in our septic island).
But none of these invasions were big enough to make up a descent horde let alone populate a whole country. It seems clear that their numbers were significantly swollen the the support of discontented or dispossessed locals.

So not only immigration but integration too. A working example of a multicultural society working together in pastoral harmony

Crassus 10:20 Wed Sep 28
Re: Jeremy Corbyn says let more refugees in.
Well I dont mind saying it, I dont want any further muslim peasants, rag arse Africans or tricky Albanian types. Any of whom who are already here illegally should be shipped off pronto if captured.

Can comfortably accept any of the above on the basis that they are sufficiently wealthy to invest, sufficiently educated to bring a skill set we lack or, upon cases of disaster, we accept a controlled and measured number of genuine refugees who are willing to reciprocate our generosity by having the decency to assimilate.

Charoo 10:10 Wed Sep 28
Re: Jeremy Corbyn says let more refugees in.
I say please let's not.

Dwight Van Mann 10:10 Wed Sep 28
Re: Jeremy Corbyn says let more refugees in.
That's waycist....

Tomorrow's Socialist Workers Party rag front page:

"Stomper in immigration same as an invasion shocker"

stomper 10:09 Wed Sep 28
Re: Jeremy Corbyn says let more refugees in.
Dwight Van Mann 10:04 Wed Sep 28

After Henry's spat with Rome over his little nut tree, there was a massive influence on the new religion by Dutch and French immigrants, not going to mention the Jews, a dutch king and the immigrants of the 2oth and 21 centuries

, 10:05 Wed Sep 28
Re: Jeremy Corbyn says let more refugees in.
The UK not England.

stomper 10:05 Wed Sep 28
Re: Jeremy Corbyn says let more refugees in.

Reply cornish 9:58 Wed Sep 28

Like I said immigration.

I also said England not Britain

Dwight Van Mann 10:04 Wed Sep 28
Re: Jeremy Corbyn says let more refugees in.
stomper 9:44 Wed Sep 28

"England is a country built on immigration"

Wrong, BRITAIN was built on EMIGRATION.
The English and Jocks etc going overseas and running the show.
That's what made us great.

cornish 9:58 Wed Sep 28
Re: Jeremy Corbyn says let more refugees in.
Stomper no it wasn't,it was built on conquest,Saxons, Vikings,Romans and the Normans.

RM10 9:47 Wed Sep 28
Re: Jeremy Corbyn says let more refugees in.
im not bothered about working immigrants, i want the unemployed, gangs, criminals kicked out and not let in.

stomper 9:44 Wed Sep 28
Re: Jeremy Corbyn says let more refugees in.
England is a country built on immigration

Bungo 8:03 Wed Sep 28
Re: Jeremy Corbyn says let more refugees in.
Nicey 7:29 Wed Sep 28

Hard to see how anyone could do a better job really.

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